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Strength of the Family, Hope of the Nation   versione testuale
The National Bible Week in the Philippines, January 25th to 31st, will be inspired by Psalm 33

"God’s Word: Strength of the Family, Hope of the Nation" is the theme of the National Bible Week that will begin in Cebu, Philippines, on January 25th. The theme is based—as the website of the Filipino Bishops' Conference indicates—on Psalm 33:12, which reads, 'Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people chosen as his inheritance,' and on Acts 16:31, which says, 'They answered, Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your family.'"
"There are several events planned for the initiative—says Nora Lucero, Secretary General of the Philippine Bible Society, organizer of the week—including 'Proclaim', i.e. the public reading of the Holy Scriptures; artistic and sporting events on the topic, and a petition asking the local legislature to enact a law in support of the celebration of Bible Week." The week-long event will culminate with the celebration of National Bible Sunday, scheduled for January 31st, the final day of the event.
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