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Concrete Efforts 
The opinion of Czech Bishops’ Commission for the family about the social benefits that are being discussed

"Quality education is a much appreciated value in our society, but as of yet there have been no concrete expressions of recognition for the efforts made by families in this area." This statement was made to the SIR Press Agency by the Commission for the Family of the Episcopal Conference of the Czech Republic with regard to the country's ongoing debate about a possible change in the amount of the social benefits. The Church, while recognizing the State's commitment to promote the participation of parents in the care for the family, on the other hand criticizes the "relativism and failure to recognize" the important role of parents in the education of their children. "It is unacceptable—says the Commission—that State education is seen as a substitute for family education and that family allowances have lost their original purpose, that of being a form of compensation for loss of income." While many parents who receive subsidies also work, those who decide to devote their time exclusively to educating their children are discriminated by the system. Hence, "the proposal to differentiate the amount of social benefits is a concrete way to recognize the efforts of these parents," because—the Commission concludes—it ensures the necessary financial means to the families, with due consideration of 'their investment' in terms of time 'in the education of their children.'"
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