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"Dear New Cardinal-Brothers..." 
With these words, the Pope began his address to the new Cardinals created in the consistory of 19 November, including the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life, Cardinal Kevin Farrell, who assumed his position at the helm of the new organization of the Roman Curia September 1st, 2016. "Our goal and aspiration is to strive, on life’s plain, together with the People of God, to become persons capable of forgiveness and reconciliation," continued the Holy Father. And, in this spirit, the new Cardinal has put himself at the service of the People of God, descending into the vast plain of the concrete life of the faithful, men and women, families, young and old, to sow the Gospel of joy and mercy. "Love, do good, bless and pray:" these are the four imperatives that the Holy Father has given to the new cardinals to suggest the attitude with which to work in favor of this People. For the new Cardinals, these days coincided with the conclusion of the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy and the Mass celebrated with the Holy Father for the closing of the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica. Relatives and friends from Ireland and the United States have come to Rome to be close to the new Cardinal. The staff of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life wished to express their joy and congratulations to their Prefect for the Holy Father's new gesture of esteem.
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