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Europe shouldn't be afraid 
Intervista con il card. Péter Erdõ, presidente del Ccee
Experts define the phenomenon as "demographic winter". The situation of birth-rates in Europe is unprecedented: the fertility rate is amost everywhere under 2.0 per woman in fertile age. In those countries marked by high immigration rates figures are less worrying (Belgium, Luxembourg, Scotland, Spain…). In those countries with no immigration, like Eastern Europe, ageing rates are higher. Figures regarding children born out of wedlock are also on the increase and in some countries of Northern and Eastern Europe they represent r over 50% of all births. On this subject, Maria Chiara Biagioni interviewed for SIR Europe cardinal Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, president of the Council of the Bishops' Conferences of Europe (CCEE). CCEE dedicated the 2010 plenary meeting in Zagreb to the theme of the family and birth-rates in Europe. On the eve of the World Meeting of the Families due to take place in Milan May 30 - June 1, Cardinal Erdő, commented the findings of a demographic survey presented in Zagreb. ......
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