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Theology of the Family   versione testuale
Defending the Doctrine, Defending the Sheep  29/05/2015 Defending the Doctrine, Defending the Sheep
At the presentation of a book series in Rome, Cardinal Sarah spoke about the Synod, the family, society, and the duties of pastors. He proposed for divorced and remarried faithful a different union with the Lord
Women, Leaders in Global Development  26/05/2015 Women, Leaders in Global Development
Parents, come back from exile and assume your educational role!  25/05/2015 Parents, come back from exile and assume your educational role!
Commentary on Pope Francis' Catechesis of Wednesday 20 May 2015
Give Life to the Family  22/05/2015 Give Life to the Family
Starting in October, in the context of on-going formation for priests, a new course in family ministry will be promoted by the Pontifical John Paul II Institute
The Original Beauty  20/04/2015 The Original Beauty
Comment on the Pope's Catechesis by Msgr. Grech, President of the Maltese Bishops
Two Sacraments, One Alliance  07/04/2015 Two Sacraments, One Alliance
The John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family is sponsoring a Theological Colloquium on the Eucharist and Marriage
Ideological Cataracts  20/03/2015 Ideological Cataracts
Cardinal Carlo Caffara at the Congress of the Holy Cross Pontifical University in view of next October's Synod of Bishops
What has happened to filial piety?  06/03/2015 What has happened to filial piety?
An editorial on the Pope's catechesis
Is the Doctrine Changing?  03/03/2015 Is the Doctrine Changing?
The Family and Poverty  25/02/2015 The Family and Poverty
John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family proposes a course on adapted pastoral action
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