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Theology of the Family   versione testuale
The Most Important Asset  05/07/2013 The Most Important Asset
Interview with Msgr. Giancarlo Petrini, President of the Commission of Life and the Family of Bishops of Brazil

Brazil’s situation is indeed paradoxical. The family is, for the Brazilians, the greatest value and the most important asset of life. The family is everything, but the family is nothing if everything is considered a family, as the latest laws assert...

Rebuilding Trust  04/07/2013 Rebuilding Trust
Interview with Professor Tracey Rowland, President of the "John Paul II" Institute for Marriage and Family in Australia
At the Source of Life  03/07/2013 At the Source of Life
The International Council of the John Paul II Institute: Anthropology of Generativity
Verbum caro factum est  15/06/2013 Verbum caro factum est
Mons Laffitte at Fatima
The necessary Imperfection  22/05/2013 The necessary Imperfection
Professor Mario Binasco’s Professorial Inaugural Lecture in Rome
Understanding Human Dignity  26/04/2013 Understanding Human Dignity
Msgr. Jean Laffitte in Bratislava
The postmodern marriage: a weak tie?  26/04/2013 The postmodern marriage: a weak tie?
The Afternoon of study held at the Pontifical Gregorian University
The Saint of tenderness  14/03/2013 The Saint of tenderness

The newly elected Pope Francis, Card. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is a member of the Presidential Committee of our Pontifical Council for the Family since May 14, 2001, two and a half months after he was created Cardinal. In our magazine “Familia et Vita” n. 3/2005 (pp. 124-133), we published his Pastoral Letter on Childhood...

Marriage, the Family and Relativism  12/03/2013 Marriage, the Family and Relativism
Msgr.Jean Laffitte in Westminster

Msgr. Laffitte is welcomed by the Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Westminster, H.E. Msgr. Alan Stephen Hopes, on the occasion of his lecture, on March 9th, 2013, in Student Union Hall at St Mary's University College in Twickenham (United Kingdom) on “Marriage and the Family in a Culture of Relativism”, promoted by Professor Edmund Adamus, Director of the Marriage and Family Life Commission of the Diocese of Westminster.

Interventions of Msgr. Jean Laffitte to Military Chaplains  08/02/2013 Interventions of Msgr. Jean Laffitte to Military Chaplains
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