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The postmodern marriage: a weak tie? 
The Afternoon of study held at the Pontifical Gregorian University
 In an attempt to understand what it is happening in contemporary society by an attentive consideration of “the Signs of the Times” (GS 4),an Afternoon of study was held at the Pontifical Gregorian University, on April 25th, on the topic “Il matrimonio postmoderno, un legame debole?” (The postmodern marriage: a weak tie?) (23/04/2013), which had an interdisciplinary character thanks to the participation of the sociologist Prof. Yvo Stefano Germano and Dr. Maria Cruciani. We gratefully host a summary of the meeting redacted by Prof. Miguel Yáñez, SJ, Director of the Department of Moral Theology, who gave a lecture on “Quale responsabilità riguardo alla dimensione affettiva del legame coniugale” (What responsibility with regard to the affective dimension of the marital bond).
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