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From Local Churches   versione testuale
The Biggest Challenge  16/07/2014 The Biggest Challenge
In Bangladesh, the Church emphasizes education to strengthen the family
Family and Vocations  15/07/2014 Family and Vocations
In Vietnam, family ministry is the keystone. Bishop Paul Bui Van Doc: "If there are holy families, we will have more priests."
 Where is your brother?  16/06/2014 "Where is your brother?"
In a pastoral letter, the Catholic Bishops of Eritrea ask the elderly and parents "not to abdicate their responsibilities"
Zimbabwe’s Bishops Discuss the Family  12/06/2014 Zimbabwe’s Bishops Discuss the Family
During the ad limina visit to the Pontifical Council for the Family, the African Bishops made the point on the issues to be dealt with: marriage, polygamy and divorce
The Integrity of the Family  06/06/2014 The Integrity of the Family
Interview with the President of the Latin American Episcopal Conference (CELAM), Msgr. Carlos Aguiar Retes , Archbishop of Tlalnepantla
Against the culture of death  03/06/2014 Against the culture of death
The concluding documet of the Asian Conference on the Family is published: the respect for every human life always opposes the “tsunami of evils”
Msgr. Laffitte in Manila  03/06/2014 Msgr. Laffitte in Manila
A brief overview of the events involving the Secretary of the PCF during the Asian Conference on the Family
Choose life, choose love  29/05/2014 Choose life, choose love
The beauty of marriage and family, as related in London during a conference full of contributions and testimonies
That the laity would be a leaven of love in the midst of humanity  23/05/2014 That the laity would be a leaven of love in the midst of humanity
In the name of the Holy Father, Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin sends a message and Apostolic Blessing on the occasion of the Asian Conference on the Family
Religious Kidnapped in Cameroon  23/05/2014 Religious Kidnapped in Cameroon
The local Bishops demand their immediate release and invite the faithful to pray for the Sister and the two Fidei Donum missionaries who disappeared in April
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