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Against the culture of death 
The concluding documet of the Asian Conference on the Family is published: the respect for every human life always opposes the “tsunami of evils”
The 551 participants at the Asian Conference on the Family (13 – 16 May 2014), published a declaration at the conclusion of their work, synthesizing the results their 4 days of reflection in Manila in the presence of the PCF Secretary Msgr. Laffitte. Moral Relativism, poverty, ambiguity of affluence, and legislation against life promoted by some governments and institutions were among themes singled out at the conference against which the Church and the family must fight against today so as to avoid a true “tsunami of evils”. Thus, the participants strongly request “respect for every human life from conception to natural death and echo the words of St. John Paul II, the saint of the family, who called upon the faithful in Asian countries ‘where the demographic question is often used as an argument for the need to introduce abortion and artificial population control programs, to resist ‘the culture of death.’”
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