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From Local Churches   versione testuale
No to Reforms that Generate Confusion  30/07/2013 No to Reforms that Generate Confusion
The Bishops’ Conference of Costa Rica speaks out again to defend marriage and the family
The Decalogue of the Common Good  17/07/2013 The Decalogue of the Common Good
The Australian Bishops, in Preparation for the upcoming Elections. The Ten Principles of Catholic Social Teaching into the Urn.
Romania is  One of Us  15/07/2013 Romania is "One of Us"
Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in defense of life and the family
One Community in Defense of the Person  12/07/2013 One Community in Defense of the Person
The new Patriarch of Lisbon confirms the Christian truth of the family
Reason admits only one Marriage  11/07/2013 Reason admits only one Marriage
The large following of the website dedicated to the topic by the Bishops of the United States
The True Civilization  10/07/2013 The True Civilization
Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, Archbishop of Bologna, on Marriage and Adoption
Prayer Vigil in Manila  09/07/2013 Prayer Vigil in Manila
A Gathering in front of the Palace where the Supreme Court is making decisions on the law concerning reproductive health
Jesus is the One Going out in the Boat  08/07/2013 Jesus is the One Going out in the Boat
Interview with Msgr. Francesco Montenegro, Metropolitan Archbishop of Agrigento, on the occasion of the Pope's trip to Lampedusa
A tragic day  28/06/2013 A tragic day
The declaration of Cardinal Dolan about the U.S. Supreme Court decisions
A Church Attentive to the Family  28/06/2013 A Church Attentive to the Family
Archbishop Tria Tirona of the Philippines received by Msgr. Lafitte
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