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From Associations and Movements 
01/04/2014 The Family in Celebration In the 20th International Year celebrated by the United Nations, a day for examining (and enforcing) the rights of the family |
31/03/2014 Proposals for the Family The association Manif pour Tous presents a law with 38 points to make the government hear the voices of 800 000 French men and women |
27/03/2014 The Family Prevents Trafficking In Bucharest, on April 2nd, a meeting of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe |
11/12/2013 Yes to the Family A Committee created in TurinYes to the natural family, the marriage between a man and a woman, No to same-sex “marriage” and adoption, the introduction of so-called gender ideology in schools, and the law on homophobia... |
22/11/2013 The Family in the Church A day of study organized by the Ecclesiastical Court of Piedmont, on Saturday November 23rd 2013Le Samedi 23 Novembre 2013 aura lieu, à Turin, le Congrès d’étude organisé par le Tribunal Ecclésiastique du Piémont, dans l’amphithéâtre de la Faculté de théologie, intitulé « La famille dans la vie et dans le droit de l’Église »...
30/08/2013 Protectors of God’s Gifts Message of the Holy See to the Knights of Columbus, assembled for the Supreme Convention in Texas, in August |
24/05/2013 The Military Family for Mary The 55th International Military Pilgrimage to Lourdes |
09/05/2013 Brotherhood in the Gospel Bishop Laffitte meets the French-speaking Fraternities during their Pilgrimage |
21/12/2012 Christmas greetings from the “Focolare” family Dear friends,
The “New Families” of the Focolare express their wish that coming Christmas feast will find us prepared to welcome the Light of the Grotto, the true proclamation of peace for humanity.
Albert and Anna Friso.
13/11/2012 Famiglie al centro Mons. Paglia ha incontrato nella sede del dicastero il prof. Francesco Belletti, presidente del Forum delle Famiglie e la dott.ssa Maria Rita Munizzi, presidente del Moige ( Movimento Italiano Genitori). |