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Proposals for the Family 
The association Manif pour Tous presents a law with 38 points to make the government hear the voices of 800 000 French men and women

Thirty-eight proposals summarizing the views of 800,000 French men and women who have expressed themselves freely in the course of nearly one hundred public meetings throughout France. These are the proposals presented by Manif pour Tous in the margin of the “Grenelle of the Family,” the debate between the government and associations that developed throughout France and its conclusions that were made public on March 8th at the Mutualité de Paris. “The government refuses to listen to the French citizens, even if it develops many projects involving the family,” Ludovine Dutheil de La Rochère, President of Manif pour Tous, criticized. This proposal of laws for the family comes ten months after of the bill on marriage extended to all, on medically assisted procreation and the use of surrogate mothers for homosexuals. From ten thousand contributions sent to Manif pour tous 38 proposals have emerged in defense of the family, from mediation for couples who initiate divorce proceedings to the ban of surrogacy and potential entrustment to couples composed exclusively of a man and a woman.
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