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The Family: Resource for Society 
03/06/2013 The Challenge of Good Parenting The second of the "Dialogues for Family" promoted by the Dicastery has taken place |
17/05/2013 Together for an Human Ecology Manifestations of Catholics and non-Catholics in defense of life, the family and the dignity of the human person continue |
10/05/2013 A Welfare of happy relationships 5/An Interview with Johnny Dotti, president of Welfare ItaliaA Welfare that doesn’t live on money and services alone, and remembers that without human relationships and relations of trust money is never enough, services are never sufficient. The family is the place where we learn how to build happy relationships... |
08/05/2013 The job and the home make the unity of family 4/Interview with Mariella Enoc, Vice President of Fondazione CariploIt’s important that economics and finance consider the family with care, also because the issue of human capital is the real one, on which we can center the problem and the solution of future development... |
03/05/2013 The family, a subject of a civil market economy Interview with the economist Stefano Zamagni, Consultant of our Dicastery |
02/05/2013 The Family, a voluntary contributor 3/An Interview with Vincenzo Bassi, lawyer of the Union of Italian Catholic JuristsThe policies for the family shouldn’t be political measures for dealing with family emergencies. This means that it’s necessary to start looking at the family as the subject from which to relaunch the economy. The family is not a passive, parasitic subject, but an economically productive one, like any other enterprise... |
30/04/2013 A model for a healthy Economy 2/An Interview with Sister Alessandra Smerilli, Professor at the Catholic University of the Sacred HeartOIf the law that governs the relationships within the family is, in fact, the law of gratuity and reciprocity, the production of relational goods as well as social and civic capital, of values such as cooperation and trust, which are the basis of economic development, then the family is a model for a healthy economy, for a good economy... |
26/04/2013 Starting Again from the Families 1) Interview with Francesco Belletti, President of the Forum of Family Associations |
22/04/2013 Life … continues A Meeting with the Leaders of the Association of Widow Families “Il Melograno” |
16/04/2013 The Freedom to be Mothers and Wives The Patriarch of Moscow, Cyril, in a meeting with the Union of Ukrainian Orthodox Women |