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The Freedom to be Mothers and Wives   versione testuale
The Patriarch of Moscow, Cyril, in a meeting with the Union of Ukrainian Orthodox Women

There is feminism, of an ideological kind, that is «very dangerous»; it advocates a pseudo-freedom for women, understood as the assumption of their right to express themselves not only without regard for their role in the family, as wives and mothers, but denying and contradicting the values of marriage and the family. The Patriarch of Moscow, Cyril, made this statement in a meeting with a delegation of the Union of Ukrainian Orthodox Women on April 9th, in the monastery of San Daniele. The Patriarch exalted the unique role of women as «keepers of the house” and of the domestic hearth, and he said: «If this incredibly important function of women is destroyed then everything will be destroyed – the family and, if you wish, the motherland. It's not for nothing that we talk about the motherland» and «it’s probably not by chance that most feminist leaders are unmarried women».
Recalling his participation in the international forum on “Orthodox Women: Unity, Service, Love,” held in Kiev in July 2011, at the conclusion of which a cooperation agreement was signed with the Synodal Department for the family of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Cyril reiterated that the dignity of a woman, devoted to caring for the home and bringing up children, is in no way demeaned, because, in fact, «there is no greater task and nobler ministry accomplished by women in the family, with the special responsibility of maintaining good manners in society, along with love and high moral ideals».
The role of women as mothers and wives does not imply a depreciation of the woman as a worker and professional, or a person with a civil commitment. The Patriarch’s concern addresses, above all, the low birth rate in Russia and in the countries of the former Soviet Union, the increasing number of divorces, and especially the orphans and children abandoned by their parents. «I am convinced that women's organizations should pay more attention to the issue of adoption», Cyril said. «When priority is given to the satisfaction of personal material needs and selfishness, the calculation of money and time that can be devoted to pleasure, there is visibly a predominance of the instinct of domination over the spiritual and emotional life». This is the case, for example, when the decision is made not to have children, merely for career reasons or for motifs of convenience.
Cyril concluded his speech by calling for greater cooperation between the Patriarchate of Moscow and the Union of Ukrainian Orthodox Women: «This would help us to meet the challenges that the Church and society must face in today's world».
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