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The Natural Way of Love  27/10/2014 The Natural Way of Love
The Centers for the Natural Regulation of Fertility have published a document reaffirming the importance of the doctrine of the union between spouses expressed in the Encyclical Humanae Vitae
For Existential Bioethics  27/10/2014 For Existential Bioethics
On December 5th and 6th, in Rome, a conference will seek to give concrete answers to the unprecedented attack on the family by affirmations of international rights and freedoms. Msgr. Paglia will open this working session
The Real Challenge for Catholics  01/10/2014 The Real Challenge for Catholics
Spain, reform of the Abortion Law is stopped. Bishop Reig: "Mobilize the consciences and regenerate the parties"
A Teaching Path  17/07/2014 A Teaching Path
In the aftermath of the Law on reproductive health, the Filipino bishops issue a "pastoral guide" to restate the inviolability of life
Abortion in Peru  05/07/2014 Abortion in Peru
Archbishop Jose Antonio Eguren wrote to President Humala after the approval of the protocol: "There is nothing therapeutic about it; kills an innocent life"
Nigeria is Increasingly Pro-Life  26/06/2014 Nigeria is Increasingly Pro-Life
From the Conference of Abuja and Bishops Badejo, Kukah and Okeke, defending life through education and the social media
“One of Us” Stopped: The Reaction of the European Bishops  11/06/2014 “One of Us” Stopped: The Reaction of the European Bishops
COMECE’s press release concerning the rejection of the citizen’s petition by the Commission in Brussels
Europe Rejects  One of Us  03/06/2014 Europe Rejects "One of Us"
The European Commission vetoed the petition signed by two million citizens to ban research on human embryonic cells
1000 Thanks! A Thousand Blue and Pink Ribbons in Salerno  29/05/2014 1000 Thanks! A Thousand Blue and Pink Ribbons in Salerno
Faces, images, and words at the service of life for the thousands of lives saved from abortion by the volunteers at “Il Pelicano” (The Pelican) Center for Life
Decrease in Maternal Deaths  24/05/2014 Decrease in Maternal Deaths
According to the World Health Organization, since 1990 they have decreased by 45 %, but in sub-Saharan Africa the risk remains high
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