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1000 Thanks! A Thousand Blue and Pink Ribbons in Salerno 
Faces, images, and words at the service of life for the thousands of lives saved from abortion by the volunteers at “Il Pelicano” (The Pelican) Center for Life
Salerno – “1000 Thanks”: this is this title of the event promoted by the Center of Life “Il Pellicano” of Salerno at the “Tempio di Pomona” at the city center. The event, made possible by the contribution of Sodalis, the CSV of the province of Salerno in the context of the 2012 Volunteer Campaign, celebrated the birth of another 1000 children in the 30 years of “Il Pellicano’s” activity thanks to the courage of the parents and the commitment of the volunteers that have assisted the mothers in resolving the difficulties of unexpected pregnancy, showing that choosing life is possible. Rev. Gianfranco Grieco, office manager of the Pontifical Council for the Family, was present at the event representing the dicastery. Dr. Angelo Scelzo, vice director of the “Sala Stampa” of the Holy See was also present.
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