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Life   versione testuale
An Injection of Confidence and Hope  03/02/2014 An Injection of Confidence and Hope
Echoes from the March for Life in Washington
USA: Nine Days for Life  23/01/2014 USA: Nine Days for Life
The U.S. Bishops call for a Novena for Life: Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage
The Celebration of Life  14/01/2014 The Celebration of Life
The Italian Church will celebrate the Day for Life, on February 2nd, this year on the theme: “Generating the Future”
The Family in “Lumen Fidei”  24/10/2013 The Family in “Lumen Fidei”
A video on the words Pope Francis’ Encyclical “Lumen Fidei” dedicated to the family
Overcoming an European Charter on Family Rights  21/10/2013 Overcoming an European Charter on Family Rights
Writing of msgr. Piotr Mazurkiewicz, an officialo f our Dicastery, on the press agency “Sir Europe”
Educating to Freedom  17/10/2013 Educating to Freedom
Paul Crepet, Psychiatrist, comments on the 5th article of the “Charter of the Rights of the Family”
Surrogacy: How Confusing!  17/10/2013 Surrogacy: How Confusing!
There is no common legislation to safeguard the rights of minors
Women, Guardians of the Truth  15/10/2013 Women, Guardians of the Truth
A Study Seminar organized by the Pontifical Council for the Laity in Rome, on the 25th anniversary of the Apostolic Letter “Mulieris Dignitatem”
Close to Women  14/10/2013 Close to Women
Over 200 participants from 12 countries in Buenos Aires for the Meeting of the Centros de Ayuda a la Mujer frente al aborto

Meeting sponsored by the Latin American Center for aid to women against abortion (Centros de Ayuda a la Mujer frente al Aborto - CAM) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, during the second week of October. The aim was to strengthen, through sharing and the exchange of experiences, the common spirituality...

Then there are those who “Produce” Children…!  16/09/2013 Then there are those who “Produce” Children…!
The disturbing numbers of motherhoods’ “by substitution,” when the child is an object to be possessed. An investigation of the daily “Avvenire”
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