As the 41st anniversary of the legal case Roe v. Wade approaches, the cause that led to the verdict issued by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1973 by which, in all the States of the Republic and in the Federal District of Columbia (Washington), legislation restricting access to abortion was annulled, the U.S. Bishops Conference called on all the country’s Catholics to take part, from January 18th to 26th, in a Novena of prayer, penance and pilgrimages for Life, with the aim of curbing the scourge of abortion.
These “9 Days for Life,” a program organized by the Bishops includes a variety of “pro-life” activities. An opening ceremony of prayer and reparation introduces the “9 Days for Life” Novena. In this Novena, there will be intercessions each day on particular themes, traditional prayers (Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory) and reflections, as well as three different acts of reparation for each day.
To facilitate participation in the Novena, the Conference has created an iPhone App. It also offers the possibility to receive the prayers of the Novena via SMS or email, and to read the instructions on a special web page: 9 Days for Life on the conference website. All the material will also be available on a single page in the site and inserted daily on the following pages.
With this Novena, the American Bishops recall not only the 55 million victims of abortion in the United States since the 1973 ruling, but also the dehumanizing effects on the lives of mothers, fathers, grandparents, doctors and nurses who have participated. The Novena implores the restoration of people’s hearts through prayer and penance, and invites everyone to accept the mercy and forgiveness offered by the Lord.
Speaking on behalf of the Conference at a recent press conference, the President of the Committee for Pro-Life Activities, Cardinal Sean O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston and a member of the Presidential Committee of the Pontifical Council for the Family, said: “By our participation in these 9 Days for Life, as we call upon the Lord for the healing and conversion of our nation and those impacted by the culture of death, we are also reminded - through the very act of prayer - of our beautiful dependence on God and His deep love for each of us.”
In addition to this Novena, the Bishops of the United States organized an Opening Mass in a Vigil for Life, on Tuesday, January 21st. The liturgy was celebrated in the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, the most important Catholic shrine in the United States. The liturgy was presided over by Cardinal O’Malley and it was broadcasted live on EWTN and the Catholic Television Network. A large number of confessors were available.
At the end of the Novena, there will be a Closing Mass. The main celebrant will be Archbishop Charles Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia, the Archdiocese that will host the VIII World Meeting of Families in 2015. That Mass will also be broadcasted live on EWTN. It is estimated that last year more than 650,000 people participated.
Messaggio Twitter del Santo Padre del 22 gennaio 2014
I join the March for Life in Washington with my prayers.
May God help us respect all life, especially the most vulnerable
Rezo por la Marcha por la Vida en Washington.
¡Qué Dios nos ayude a respetar siempre la vida, especialmente la de lo más débiles!