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Pope Francis   versione testuale
Healed by John Paul II  25/04/2014 Healed by John Paul II
In two exclusive videos, the women miraculously cured by the Polish Pope describe their amazing experiences

Today the Pontifical Council for the Family has the great pleasure to offer exclusively to the viewers of their website two videos interviewing the women miraculously cured by John Paul II.

Life is Sacred and It Is the First of All Rights  14/04/2014 Life is Sacred and It Is the First of All Rights
Children have the right to have a father and a mother
The Image of God is the Married Couple  03/04/2014 The Image of God is the Married Couple
With this image the Pope concluded his series of catechesis dedicated to the sacraments, at the Audience, on Wednesday, April 2nd.
The Pope Speaks to the Fathers  26/03/2014 The Pope Speaks to the Fathers
On the feast of St. Joseph, Pope Francis addressed this invitation to them: “Be guardians over the growth in age, wisdom and grace”
Starting with the Family, the New Fabric of the Ecclesial Community and of Civil Society  19/03/2014 Starting with the Family, the New Fabric of the Ecclesial Community and of Civil Society
Pope Francis’ Address to the Bishops of the Czech Republic, received on their ad limina visit
An Interview with the Pope  06/03/2014 An Interview with the Pope
These are a few pearls from the interview that Pope Francis granted to Ferruccio De Bortoli, Director of the Corriere della Sera, the leading Italian newspaper
The Family Radiates the Wonders of God  04/03/2014 The Family Radiates the Wonders of God
Dear families  25/02/2014 Dear families
Address of Pope Francis
Address of Pope Francis, New Synod Hall - Thursday, 20 February 2014
The Style of the Wedding Celebration  15/02/2014 The Style of the Wedding Celebration
Pope Francis responds to engaged couples/3
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