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Starting with the Family, the New Fabric of the Ecclesial Community and of Civil Society 
Pope Francis’ Address to the Bishops of the Czech Republic, received on their ad limina visit

“Let your attention also focus on the pastoral care of families: the family is a load-bearing element of the life of society. and only by working to promote the family can you renew the fabric of the ecclesial community and of civil society itself.” These were Pope Francis’ words to the Bishops of the Czech Republic, who were received for their ad limina visit on February 14th. The Pope asked the shepherds, who today care for a flock that not too long ago was oppressed by totalitarianism, for “commitment to religious education” and “a qualified presence in the world of education,” because today—he said—“secularism” and “relativism” are asphyxiating. Pope Francis incited them to embrace especially the laity. “There can be no lack on your part—he said pointing to the Bishops—of vigilant and courageous openness to the new impulses of the Holy Spirit, who distributes his charisms and renders the lay faithful ready to take up responsibilities and ministries, useful for the renewal and growth of the Church.” Paying attention to the laity also means attentive “family ministry” and implies “presence of Catholics in public life” and also “in the sector of communications.” “It also depends on you—said the Pope—to ensure that one can always hear the voice of truth in the problems of the moment and perceive the Church as an ally of men and women, at the service of their dignity.”
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