On 26 and 27 Octobe,r families from around the world will come to Rome on pilgrimage to the Tomb of St. Peter. This event, sponsored by our Dicastery, is situated in the framework of the proposed initiatives for the Year of Faith, announced by Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus. The title of the event “FAMILY, EXPERIENCE THE JOY OF FAITH!
The Pilgrimage of Families to St. Peter’s tomb for the Year of Faith” makes us aware that this pilgrimage will be an occasion for joyful sharing with families from all over the world.
Families, also accompanied by children and grandparents, are invited to witness their faith with joy and confidence at the Tomb of St. Peter, Christ’s first confessor. The importance of the family as a privileged place for the transmission of the faith, in fact, incites us to pray and to reflect on the value of the family itself and to be witnesses of our faith throughout the world.