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A Family to Listen to 
At the Pontifical Gregorian University, on April 4th and 5th, a Forum to initiate a reflection from the base

“Listening to the Family. Uncertainties and Expectations” is the theme of the forum that will be held on April 4th and 5th at the Pontifical Gregorian University. This forum, chaired by the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, is “an exercise in listening to the reality of marriage and the family—said the Argentine Jesuit Miguel Yáñez, director of the department of moral theology—intended to initiate a reflection from the base, which will be able to provide the tools for a theoretical discussion and interdisciplinary initiatives that will later be successively developed. Families will, therefore, be actively involved through participation in the Forum.” The Forum will consist of two moments: first a look at the family from a sociological perspective and family therapy, and then a focus reaching from the family to conjugal relationships and parenting, taken from the spirituality of the family. The Forum is not only for those who study the family in different areas of scientific expertise, but also and especially for married couples. Debates, workshops and thematic testimonies of couples will be an important part of the perspective “from the base,” an approach which, while respecting the autonomy of the created realities, sets out from the natural dynamics of the couple and of the family in order to find the point of convergence between natural data and revealed data. For information, the program and registration: www.unigre.it.
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