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Faith and Sacrament 
At the Institute John Paul II, on April 3rd, a theological colloquium on marriage

The relationship between faith and the sacraments will be the central topic of the theological colloquium “Fides Foedus: Faith and the Sacrament of Marriage” for Thursday, April 3rd, promoted by the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for the Family. “The originality of the articulation of the natural and sacramental givens in marriage,” the organizers explain, “is now struck by new problems such as, for example, the request of the sacrament by baptized who are no longer believers or at least have fallen away from all ecclesial practice.” The colloquium’s objective is to “deepen the synergic connection between faith and the sacrament of marriage, by recalling that faith has a sacramental structure” so that it may be understood “how it is possible to integrate them without obscuring the natural dimension on the one hand and on the other the very notion of sacred mentality.” The speakers will include Archbishop Cyril Vasil, Secretary of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches; Livio Melina, President of the Pontifical Institute John Paul II; José Granados, of the Institute John Paul II; Andrea Bozzolo, of the International Institute Don Bosco; and Rafael Diaz Dorronsoro, of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Among the speakers of the second session there will be Andrea D’Auria, of the Pontifical Urban University; Alexandra Diriart, of the Institute John Paul II; Jean- Miguel Garrigues, of the St. Thomas Aquinas Institute of Toulouse; and Msgr. Juan Antonio Reig Pla, Bishop of Alcala de Henares. For information and the program: http://www.istitutogp2.it.
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