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Elections in Panama 
Mons Ulloa asks to the candidates an obligations for family and life

The task of presidential candidates finds its foundation in that which is expressed in the National Constitution, namely, that the State has the obligation to safeguard human life from conception to natural death, through public policies directed toward guaranteeing that right.” With these words, Msgr. Jose Domingo Ulloa Mendieta, President of the Episcopal Conference of Panama, invites the presidential candidates for the upcoming May 4 election to the final event of the “National Commitment to Life and Family” Campaign. This final event will take place April 15, at the University of Santa Maria la Antigua located in the capital. Besides the presidential candidates, the Metropolitan Archbishop will be present, as well as many representatives from the Alleanza Evagelica of Panama and non-governmental organizations working in the defense of life and the family. Msgr. Ulloa has brought together many people and institutions committed to maintaining the integrity of the family, and in doing so, highlights that now, in our present time, the very democratic essence of the traditional family is at stake. The defense of the traditional family must come from within the society itself, or otherwise that society – both its present and future – is in danger. The Archbishop underscored the priorities of religious liberty being respected by the State, a solid juridical system able to safeguard the family, the defense of traditional marriage, and the recognition of the primary and previous rights of parents to freely educate their children in moral and religious principles.
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