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Perspectives from Switzerland 
Questionnaire Responses: Faith “Wins” in the Family, Number of Baptisms High

More than 23,000 responses have been received from Switzerland from the questionnaire attached to the preparatory document for the extraordinary general assembly of the Synod of Bishops. The average age of the participants was 54, and women made up 53% of the responses with 2/3 having children. The responses are still being reviewed but there are strong tendencies in evidence so far. Religious marriage is generally seen as very important and as result of the desire to give a religious dimension to one’s marriage and to have a religious dimension in the consideration of life’s fundamental decisions. Faith has an important role in the family and in the education of the children even if the parents don’t always expressly state this. The statistics regarding baptism, which continue to show a strong number, places in evidence the importance of faith in the realm of the family. The responses are in large part expressing incomprehension and rejection of the official teaching of the Church regarding the divorced and remarried and their admission to the sacraments. A near 60% percent majority could like to see the recognition and blessing of homosexual couples by the Church. Artificial Contraception also appears to be accepted by the majority of Swiss Catholics.
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