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The challenge of family 
Mgr. Jean Laffitte, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family delivers the Keynote address to more than a thousand participants during the opening of the Asian Congress on the Family, which is held in Manila from May 13-16, 2014.

Organized by the Pontifical Council for the Family and the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines, attended to by delegates coming from fifteen countries of Asia (Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Laos, Cambodia, Macau, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore and the Philippines), the Asian Congress on Families reflects on the theme: Families of Asia: Lights of hope. In his keynote address, Mgr. Jean Laffitte elaborated on The Challenge to the Family: its nature, effects and a catholic response. Among many other things Mgr. Laffitte had stressed on is the fact that the church possesses a very rich source of documents that must be used in view of promoting the value and beauty of the family often menaced by legislations in various regions of the world. The appreciation of the beauty of human love on which the previous pontificates particularly that of the future St. John Paul II and that of Benedict XVI devoted their efforts through Wednesday Catechesis on human love and several Encyclicals they have issued, once properly taught and lived, will make families, families of Asia lights of hope.
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