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What Rights for the Family? 
At a conference in Nantes, Msgr. Laffitte insisted on the need for updated and effective legislation to defend the family institution

One path that begun with the Second Vatican Council and will be reinforced in October at the Synod on the Family concerns the rights of the fundamental cell of society. This topic was analyzed and commented upon by Bishop Jean Laffitte, the Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family, in his lecture "Does the Family Have Rights?" The conference, organized by the local diocese and held in Nantes on March 6th at Notre-Dame de Bon Port Church, was marked not only by Bishop Laffitte's intervention, but also by lively debate between the speaker and the audience. According to the Secretary of the PCF, "in the present context, where the family institution is challenged, it is increasingly urgent to pursue the question of family rights. This true need was already emphasized during the first Synod on the Family, in 1981, and then reiterated in the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio." In the course of his lecture, Msgr. Laffitte therefore promoted the retrieval and in-depth study of the Charter of the Rights of the Family, published in 1983. This intervention was explicitly placed in the path indicated by Pope Francis on October 25th, 2013, at the audience he granted to the Pontifical Council for the Family. There the Holy Father underscored that "the family is not merely the sum of persons belonging to it, but a 'community of persons.' And a community is more than the total sum of persons that belong to it. (...) The family-community is all of this and it needs to be recognized as such, and more urgently today when the protection of individual rights prevails. And we must defend the right of this community: the family."
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