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For a Single Definition of the Family in Europe 
On Tuesday, October 20th, a continental campaign against the European Union's interference—prohibited by its own Charter of Fundamental Rights—with regard to marriage and family will be presented in Rome
A campaign to promote the family and marriage organized on a European scale by the European Citizens’ Initiative "Mum, Dad & Kids" will be exhibited in Rome, on Tuesday the 20th, at 11:00 am, in the Meeting Room of the Domus Romana Sacerdotalis, via della Traspontina, 18. On October 15th, the association presented a new initiative to the European Commission, which will require the EU to adopt a single definition of the family based on marriage and on descent. In this way, according to the promoters of the proposal, Article 9 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which protects the States from EU interference in the family, will finally have to be respected. In fact, this article has been repeatedly precluded by several European legislative acts.
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