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One of Us in Europe   versione testuale
The collection of signatures in defense of the embryo continues

«The Europe of tomorrow is in your hands. Be worthy of this task», is the slogan of “Oneofus” – “One of us”, the pro-life campaign, to collect one million signatures in defense of unborn life in at least 7 of the 27 EU member states. The initiative, sponsored by European citizens engaged to protect the dignity of the human person throughout his/her whole existence, from conception to death, intends to submit a legislative proposal to the European Commission for the recognition of the dignity, the right to life and integrity of every human being beginning at conception, and therefore, of the embryo as a person worthy of protection.

On the homepage of the site you can add your signature electronically.
May 12th is the date chosen by the Italian Committee of Oneofus for the National Signing Day. Tables for the collection of signatures will be hosted in the parishes.
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