Msgr. Paglia gave a conference on Tuesday, June 18th, entitled “The Thirtieth Anniversary of the Charter of the Rights of the Family,” at the “Pio Romeno” College, in Rome.
The meeting, held in the context of the series of conferences on the year of faith, was organized with the collaboration of the Embassy of Romania to the Holy See and under the auspices of the Congregation for the Oriental Church.
During his intervention, Msgr. Paglia defined the Charter as a document that is still extremely pertinent because it is characterized by a “strong, double sense: that of a highly accurate description of the identity of the family (contained in the Preamble) and an equally correct (and shareable) exhortation (to governments, states, civil societies, international organizations as well as to the families themselves, and last but not least to all men and women of good will) so that the commitment to protect and promote the family may be strengthened and never fail.”