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The Charter: A Light Leading Out of the Tunnel 
The comments of Prof. Francesco D'Agostino, President of the Italian Catholic Jurists, on the 30th anniversary of the Charter of the Rights of the Family
 « When the Charter of the Rights of the Family was approved, thirty years ago, it launched a strong anti-individualist challenge, by promptly addressing the problems of life and the family organization, which today are often dramatic». This affirmation was made by Dr. Francesco D'Agostino, Professor of Legal Philosophy and Bioethics, and President of the Union of Italian Catholic Jurists, who collaborated with the Pontifical Council for the Family in the organization of the International Work-Conference of jurists on the theme “The Rights of the Family and the Challenges of the Contemporary World”, which just concluded (19-21 September 2013). «For the first time, the Charter has drawn the attention of the public and of leaders responsible for the common good to the family as a social institution and an independent legal entity, which is to be protected as such; a subject that is “distinct” from the individual members who compose», D'Agostino says. «This challenge has not yet been taken up and its urgent pertinence subsists, because of the disastrous social consequences that we all see». For lawyers, it’s high time for the State to recognize its «inadequacy in fulfilling its basic tasks, such as the integral education of children, the care for the weak and the sick, and especially the elderly, the assistance to young people in difficulty». «This social, educational-assistential-generational crisis was born specifically out of the lack of recognition and protection of the family as a civil subject. Today, there’s no avoiding the recognition of the family as such, not for the good will of politicians and legislators, but because of historical necessity». Moreover, «what is written in the Charter is also valid today, in all respects».
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