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The Family, a Vocation that Requires Courage 
Pope Francis at the Encounter with the young people in Assisi, on Friday, October 4th, 2013
 «Marriage is a true vocation, just as priesthood and religious life are, Two Christians who marry have recognized in their story of love the call of the Lord, the vocation to form together, male and female, one flesh, and one life». Pope Francis addressed these words to the young people of Assisi, on the afternoon of Friday, October 4th. The Pontiff said: « It takes courage to start a family», and he urged them « not to be afraid of taking definitive steps in life, like that of marriage». In this way, true love reinforced by faith can overcome the “provisional culture” in a society where « individual rights are privileged rather than the family, relationships that last until difficulties arise, and for this reason the relationship of the couple, the family and marriage are sometimes spoken about in a superficial and misleading way». The Holy Father addressed to young people the loving invitation: «Explore your love, respecting the timing and expressions, pray and prepare well, but then trust that the Lord will not leave you alone! Bring Him into your home as one of the family, He will always support you».
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