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The Responsibilities of Laypeople 
In the Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium", the formation of the laity and the evangelization of professional and intellectual life is a priority in the pastoral challenge

No to selfish sloth and sterile pessimism—says Pope Francis in the Apostolic Exhortation “ Evangelii Gaudium.” « Let us not allow ourselves to be robbed of the joy of evangelization!» (No. 83). The Holy Father invites us to « the joy of the Gospel that cannot be taken away from us by anyone or anything (cf. Jn 16:22)» (No. 84). « Christian triumph is always a cross, yet a cross which is at the same time a victorious banner borne with aggressive tenderness against the assaults of evil. The evil spirit of defeatism is brother to the temptation to separate, before its time, the wheat from the weeds; it is the fruit of an anxious and self-centered lack of trust”»(No. 85). Pope Francis also says “No” to spiritual worldliness: «Spiritual worldliness, which hides behind the appearance of piety and even love for the Church, consists in seeking not the Lord’s glory but human glory and personal well-being» (No. 93), which is based on «purely subjective faith» (No. 93), vanity (No. 94), envy and jealousy (No. 98). In this Apostolic Exhortation, the Pope urges to count more on the mission of the laity, recognizing that laypeople have «important responsibilities» for «applying the Gospel to the transformation of society», through «the formation of the laity and the evangelization of professional and intellectual life [that] represent a significant pastoral challenge» (No. 102).
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