Concerning the pastoral challenge represented by the divorced and remarried, Pope Francis reminded the Bishops of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, on their ad limina visit, that it is necessary to ask how the couples struggling not to abandon the faith and the Church can be helped, and what to do in order to make them feel that they are not excluded from God’s mercy. This is the significant passage of the Pope’s address.
I would like to focus your attention on the family, “the fundamental cell of society,” “the place where one learns to live in difference and to belong to others, and where parents transmit faith to their children” (
Evangelii gaudium, 66). Today, however, marriage is often considered a kind of emotional gratification that can be formed in any way and change in accordance with one’s feeling. Unfortunately, this view also affects the mentality of Christians and is leading people to easily resort to divorce or separation. Pastors are called to ask themselves how those who live in this situation can be helped, so that they do not feel excluded from God’s mercy, from the brotherly love of other Christians and the Church’s concern for their salvation; how to help them not to abandon the faith and to raise their children in the fullness of Christian experience.
On the other hand, you have to consider what can be done to improve the preparation of young people for marriage, so that they can increasingly discover the beauty of this union, solidly founded on love and responsibility, and overcome the trials, difficulties and selfishness by mutual forgiveness, repairing what is likely to be damaged and not falling into the trap of the mentality of rejection. It’s necessary to ask how families can be helped to live and appreciate not only moments of joy, but also those of pain and weakness.
The ecclesial communities are places of listening, dialog, comfort and support for the spouses on their marital journey and in their educational mission. May they always find the support of pastors who are truly fathers and spiritual leaders, who protect them from the threats of negative ideologies and help them to become strong in God and in His love.