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The Pope Speaks to the Fathers 
On the feast of St. Joseph, Pope Francis addressed this invitation to them: “Be guardians over the growth in age, wisdom and grace”

St. Joseph, his mission as guardian and the educational perspective were the focal points of Pope Francis’ catechesis yesterday. “We look to Joseph—he said—as the model of the educator, who watches over and accompanies Jesus as he grows. He was not Jesus’ father: the father of Jesus was God, but he was a father to Jesus, he was a father to Jesus in order to help him grow” in wisdom, age and grace. “This—the Pope said—is the work Joseph did with Jesus, to help him grow in these three ways, to aid his growth.” Although St. Joseph’s mission is “certainly unique and unrepeatable, because Jesus is absolutely unique,” nevertheless “in his guardianship of Jesus, forming him to grow in age, wisdom and grace, he is a model for every educator, especially every father.” Pope Francis finally invited the fathers to be, for children, “as St Joseph was: guardians of their growth in age, wisdom and grace. May you guard them on their journey: be educators and walk with them. And by this closeness—he guaranteed—you will be true educators.” For the complete version of the Pope’s address in Italian
Read the complete version of the Pope’s address in English
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