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Family Rights 
On April 1st, at the seat of the Dicastery, the second meeting of the Jurists of Portuguese-speaking area

“Family, Society and Brotherhood: Setting out on New Paths” is the theme of the international seminar organized by the Pontifical Council for the Family and the Academy of Portuguese-speaking Jurists, which will be held on April 1st in Rome, at the seat of the Dicastery. The meeting will open with the intervention of the President, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, and then continue with reports by Maria Isabel Tempesta Fernandes dos Santos, Secretary of State for Justice of the government of Angola; Eduardo Vera-Cruz Pinto, a member of the Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura; Marco Antonio Marques da Silva of the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of São Paulo; José Horacio Halfeld Rezende Ribeiro, president of the Bar of St. Paul; and Maria Teresa Costa Macedo, president of the Center “Society and Family” as well as consultant of the Pontifical Council for the Family. The seminar will be organized in the following three sessions: “Ethics in the Family and the Ethics of the Family,” “The Importance of the Family for the Construction of Human Dignity and Citizenship,” “The Family and the Challenges of Contemporary Life.”
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