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Vote for the Family 
The Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe has launched a campaign and published a manifesto in preparation for the elections

A campaign under the title “Vote for Family” has been launched by the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE) in order to motivate the entire European Union to favor pro-family policies in the European elections. The campaign aims to encourage candidates for the European Elections to promote family friendly policies if elected. The candidates will be invited to sign the Manifesto “Vote for Family 2014” and their names will be published on May 15th, on the occasion of the International Day of Families. This Manifesto, which includes 12 points and is based on international and European rights instruments, invites the future Deputies to acknowledge the complementarity of woman and man, and define, respect and promote the institution of marriage, human dignity and the role of parents, the first and foremost educators of their children. It also encourages them to consider the family as a subject of rights, to listen to the voices of families, to recognize the value of informal work, and to promote balance between family life and professional life.
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