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Mercy and the Law in Marriage 
On May 22nd, at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, a day of study in the light of the pastoral challenges

In view of the forthcoming Synod of Bishops, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross is proposing, on May 22nd, a day of study on the theme “Mercy and the Law in Marriage.” The objective, the organizers explain, is “to stimulate reflection on the importance of mercy in the Canon Law of Marriage, taking into account the current pastoral challenges with respect to the family.” After the greetings by the Rector, José Carlos Errazuriz, four aspects of the Church’s practice in this field will be examined: the admission to marriage; the accompaniment of families, and especially of those in crisis; the processes of marriage annulment; and pastoral care for the faithful, who are divorced and remarried civilly. Denis Biju-Duval, Dean of the Pastoral Institute “Redemptor Hominis” of the Pontifical Lateran University, will speak about “Jesus Christ, Righteous and Merciful;” Eduardo Baura, of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, will give a lecture on “Mercy, ‘Oikonomia’ and Canon Law in the Marital System;” and Benedict Ejeh, of the Faculty of Canon Law of Saint Pius X in Venice, will deal with the topic of “Admission to Marriage.” The theme of “Accompanying the family, especially in times of crisis” will be addressed by Paolo Bianchi, Judicial Vicar of the regional Ecclesiastical Court of Lombardy, and Nikolaus Schöch, Promoter of Justice at the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, will speak about “Justice and Mercy in the Process of Marriage Annulment. Two incompatible principles?” The day will end with a lecture by Miguel A. Ortiz, Professor of Marriage in Canon Law at the Holy Cross. For information and the program: www.pusc.it
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