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Blessed Paul VI: The Miracle 
Only one miracle is needed for the beatification of the Pope of Humanae Vitae

The process was sped up by Pope Francis. The miraculous event that occurred in 2001 regarded the healing of an unborn child in the USA who in the fifth month of pregnancy was in critical condition due to the presence of liquid in the abdomen and absence of fluid in the amniotic sac. The diagnosis predicted either death of the child in the womb or grave deformity, with abortion even being offered as a possibility to consider. The mother refused any intervention and upon the suggestion of an Italian religious who knew Paul VI, sought the intercession of Pope Montini. Later analysis showed the great improvement and in the eighth month the child was born via C-section with the child in overall good condition. On December 12, 2013 the medical consultant for the Congregation for the Causes of Saints certified the unexplainable nature of the healing and on February 18, 2014 the theologians of the congregation recognized the intercession of Pope Paul VI. On May 6 the definitive confirmation came from the consensus of Cardinals, with the promulgation of the decree coming on May 9, 2014. Pope Francis authorized the congregation to promulgate the decree regarding the miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God Paul VI. In the same audience the Pope invited the dicastery to communicate that the rite of the beatification of Pope Paul would take place on Sunday October 19, which is the world day of missions and also the closing of the III Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops that opened October 5 with the theme of the pastoral challenges of the family in the context of evangelization. The Pope of Humanae Vitae and of the family will thus have his day celebrated. It is indeed a significant and exalted day in the glory of the saints.
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