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Nullity of Marriage 
Ten years after the Instruction "Dignitas Connubii", an International Conference at the Pontifical Gregorian University hosts, January 22nd – 24th

"Dignitas Connubii ten years after its publication. Assessment and Prospects" is the theme of the international conference that the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical Gregorian University will host from 22 to 24 January. Among the objectives—the organizers explain—is that of "deepening the theoretical dimension of the Instruction Dignitas Connubii ten years after publication," but especially the intention to "create space for sharing the experiences of its application in the ecclesiastical tribunals in different parts of the world." The in-depth study during the International Congress "should contribute to the scientific and practical reflection on how to handle cases of the nullity of marriage, which has repeatedly been called for by Pope Francis." At this conference, held under the auspices of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts and the Consociatio Internationalis Studii Iuris Canonici Promovendo, specialists of procedural law of the pontifical universities and operators of ecclesiastical tribunals from America, Asia and Europe will speak. The decision to " assess and explore prospects—conclude the promoters—means reflecting with care on the processes of nullity of marriage and on how to offer more effective help to spouses and couples in difficulty."
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