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The Family and Its Rights 
First Conference of Portuguese-speaking Catholic Jurists
 On June 18th and 19th, in the Sala Pio XI in the Palazzo San Calisto, the First Conference of Portuguese-speaking Catholic Jurists, was held on the theme: The Family and Its Rights. The two-day seminar was organized by the Pontifical Council for the Family and the Academy of Lusophone Jurists. Important names in the Lusophone world of law, from seven countries where Portuguese is the official language, discussed the most pressing challenges and the most relevant issues that concern the relationship between legislation and the family. Among the thirty-speakers of the different panels were Maria Isabel Fernandes Tormenta dos Santos, Vice-Minister of Justice of the Angolan government, Eduardo Vera Cruz Pinto, Dean of the Faculty of Law, and Marco António Marques da Silva, of the Brazilian Supreme Court of Justice.
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