The controversial Estrela Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights —which included, among other things, abortion as a method of birth control—was rejected by the European Parliament, on Tuesday December 10th, 2013.
The President of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE), Antoine Renard, had sent a letter to the European Parliamentarians, on Friday December 6th, along with a Manifesto of the “10 reasons to vote in favor of human dignity and the fundamental rights of the European Union.” This letter, in preparation for the presentation of the Estrela Report on Tuesday, December 10th, expressed the «indignation of the Catholics who have read this document». The Report—Renard said —«represents only the interests of lobby groups» and is «unworthy of the European Union and its citizens» as well as «inconsistent with international, European and national laws».
The FAFCE says about the outcome of the vote of the Euro-parliamentarians: «This vote is truly a victory for EU citizens».